Thursday, July 14, 2011


First off, thanks for checking out my blog.  I plan to update it at least twice a week, hopefully everyday.  Buckle in, it is going to be a wild ride.

Today I am attacking the baby mommas and baby daddies out there.  I am not bashing parents....parents take full responsibility for their and otherwise.  You know who you are.  You let one get past the goalie and now you have a dependent that hopefully the rest of us are not taking care of.  In most cases, we are. You got a little tipsy at the club and now your life is ruined...nice going....should have just masturbated or had an abortion.  Would have saved the rest of us lots of cash. Anyway, your offspring, your problem. 

Naturally, it is not that easy. Joey and Suzy hook up and decide to have sex.  Hell, why not...feels good and what bad could come of it?  You want to know what  bad can come of it?  How does costing us productive members (not reproductive)  of society up to $39,000 in taxpayer money feeding your mistake. $180 a month in food stamps times 12 months is $2160 a year times 18 years comes out to  $38,880.

Of course that mistake will get sick every now and then.  Probably more often since they are not being brought up in a healthy environment. Since the healthcare for the child is FREE (medicaid) you will take your kid every chance you get and twice on Thursdays if you can.  Taxpayers are also paying for your pregnancy care and the birth of the child.  That runs about $15,000 alone.  Tack on another 10,000 for the child's health care once it is born and that equals $25,000. 

No wonder this country is is also broken.  We must stop rewarding bad and selfish behavior.  I advocate the elimination of food stamps and welfare every chance I get.  You need help, you get it from a church or charity....I am neither, I pay taxes.  A "family" of 5 with little or no income gets $793 in food stamps....A MONTH!!!!  HOLY $*($()@

 Next time you are in line at the grocery store and see someone with that evil red white and blue EBT card with steak and lobster in their them out and embarrass them.  I like to tell them "You are welcome" or "A thank you would be nice" and try to make the recipient of this free food feel a little pain.  I saw one momma with a huge birthday cake that cost about $20....I told her that eggs, flour, milk and whatever else you need to make a cake would have cost the taxpayers less.

The more kids that someone has, the more they get rewarded with more food stamps and more welfare dollars...yes...we are paying for these kids cradle to grave and often jail or prison in between.  We are also paying for the offspring's offspring who usually just follow in their mother's or father's footsteps.   We must demand that this STOPS!

Baby daddies...listen up....take care of your little creation.  Stay out of jail....don't make the government track you down (which costs the responsible people even more money)....get proof the kid is yours and be an integral part of the child's life.  Don't be a baby a a father. If I had a kid out there somewhere I would be embarrassed if it was on public assistance.  That means that I am such a piece of crap, I won't take care of my kids.  That is right...not can't....WON'T.  You already screwed up one life....try to salvage this one. 

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