Monday, July 18, 2011


How can any municipality can justify outsourcing their law enforcement to some company in Phoenix is beyond me?  Communities all over are stealing money from their citizens by awarding the owners of cars that a camera shows may or may not have gone through a red light with very expensive tickets.  The owner of the car is presumed guilty even if they were not driving,  It is up to the owner of the car to prove their innocence.  This could not be more unconstitutional.

It is not enough that money is stolen from citizens in form of property taxes, they now are stealing from you via these red light cameras.  I encourage all victims of this unfair treatment to fight these tickets to the best of your ability. Alert the media and your local small government groups such as the Libertarian party.  They are experienced in tactics on how to best fight these bastards.

There are statistics for everything you can imagine.  You can make numbers do more than a whore in Tijuana.  All sides of this argument have numbers that support their case.  Where you have standing is that you have the constitution on your side.  You cannot be responsible for proving your innocence, it is up to the government to prove your guilt.

Saturday, July 16, 2011


Lets clear up one dangerous and expensive assumption....LIFE IS NOT PRECIOUS.  Life is not a miracle.  There are no miracles.  Life is not valuable.  My life is valuable. Perhaps your life is valuable.  It sure is not a miracle and probably not all that special.  A women and man have sex and nine months later a baby gets yanked out of the woman. That is all it is..nothing more, nothing less.

Many of these lives would save the productive people a lot less money if they never existed.  Most unplanned pregnancies and the results end up costing this country billions that we should not be spending, whether we had it or not.  Bottom line, we either eliminate food stamps, medicaid and welfare or we pay for abortions.  What a bargain an abortion would be!

As noted in an earlier blog, the child will use up about 38,000 in food stamps and other 10-15 grand in medicaid and perhaps a few thousand in welfare bucks.  Lets call it $50,000 in cost to the taxpayer for these "mistakes in judgement". This does not even count the cost to put them through the public education system, possible future incarceration, and of course, their own unplanned kids.  An abortion costs on average about $500. 

We all know that if the social safety nets never existed, people would have less kids.  Our system encourages irresponsible people to act irresponsibly.  If the government is going to continue to advocate that these people leech off of the rest of us, the least they can do is provide a much less costly alternative.  I want the government out of all of our lives and supplying us with the bare minimum.  However, if they insist to meddle, I would much rather pay for abortions then incarceration and section 8 housing.  Thanks for your time. SQD.

Thursday, July 14, 2011


First off, thanks for checking out my blog.  I plan to update it at least twice a week, hopefully everyday.  Buckle in, it is going to be a wild ride.

Today I am attacking the baby mommas and baby daddies out there.  I am not bashing parents....parents take full responsibility for their and otherwise.  You know who you are.  You let one get past the goalie and now you have a dependent that hopefully the rest of us are not taking care of.  In most cases, we are. You got a little tipsy at the club and now your life is ruined...nice going....should have just masturbated or had an abortion.  Would have saved the rest of us lots of cash. Anyway, your offspring, your problem. 

Naturally, it is not that easy. Joey and Suzy hook up and decide to have sex.  Hell, why not...feels good and what bad could come of it?  You want to know what  bad can come of it?  How does costing us productive members (not reproductive)  of society up to $39,000 in taxpayer money feeding your mistake. $180 a month in food stamps times 12 months is $2160 a year times 18 years comes out to  $38,880.

Of course that mistake will get sick every now and then.  Probably more often since they are not being brought up in a healthy environment. Since the healthcare for the child is FREE (medicaid) you will take your kid every chance you get and twice on Thursdays if you can.  Taxpayers are also paying for your pregnancy care and the birth of the child.  That runs about $15,000 alone.  Tack on another 10,000 for the child's health care once it is born and that equals $25,000. 

No wonder this country is is also broken.  We must stop rewarding bad and selfish behavior.  I advocate the elimination of food stamps and welfare every chance I get.  You need help, you get it from a church or charity....I am neither, I pay taxes.  A "family" of 5 with little or no income gets $793 in food stamps....A MONTH!!!!  HOLY $*($()@

 Next time you are in line at the grocery store and see someone with that evil red white and blue EBT card with steak and lobster in their them out and embarrass them.  I like to tell them "You are welcome" or "A thank you would be nice" and try to make the recipient of this free food feel a little pain.  I saw one momma with a huge birthday cake that cost about $20....I told her that eggs, flour, milk and whatever else you need to make a cake would have cost the taxpayers less.

The more kids that someone has, the more they get rewarded with more food stamps and more welfare dollars...yes...we are paying for these kids cradle to grave and often jail or prison in between.  We are also paying for the offspring's offspring who usually just follow in their mother's or father's footsteps.   We must demand that this STOPS!

Baby daddies...listen up....take care of your little creation.  Stay out of jail....don't make the government track you down (which costs the responsible people even more money)....get proof the kid is yours and be an integral part of the child's life.  Don't be a baby a a father. If I had a kid out there somewhere I would be embarrassed if it was on public assistance.  That means that I am such a piece of crap, I won't take care of my kids.  That is right...not can't....WON'T.  You already screwed up one life....try to salvage this one. 

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

WELCOME to a NEW way of thinking and living.

Thanks in advance for checking out what will be a roller coaster of thoughts, ideas, and emotion.  I want to do my part of turning this planet on it's head.  This blog will be eye-opening, offensive, and scary. It will either piss you off or will make you stand and cheer.  I don't deal much in grey areas, although they do have their time and place.

My humble goal is to ween everyone off of relying on the government.  The government has put policies in place that have been shamelessly self-destructive and we are the only ones to blame.  I will work towards awakening the self-reliant beast in people worldwide.

Many people bang their head against the wall or their fist against the table and scream WHY?  WHY does the government do the things that they do?  How does the government get away with doing X Y or Z?  WHY does that person get rewarded for bad behavior while I am busting my ass 60 hours a week at a career?  Is there a better, more responsible way to legislate behavior?

OF COURSE there is and I will be exposing the fraudulent activity of both political parties.  For the record, I am a registered voter and neither a Republican or a Democrat.   I am a person that is disgusted to what has happened to our population and what role the government has had on that.  I will be opening your eyes and your mind.

Most of the time I will be ranting about political ideas and the role that government plays in our lives.  I may stray off topic occasionally as the feeling strikes.  I was born free and it has gone downhill from there.  I work everyday to regain my freedom and ignore the government as best I can.

Thanks for your valuable time and I always welcome your comments and feedback. SQD