Saturday, July 16, 2011


Lets clear up one dangerous and expensive assumption....LIFE IS NOT PRECIOUS.  Life is not a miracle.  There are no miracles.  Life is not valuable.  My life is valuable. Perhaps your life is valuable.  It sure is not a miracle and probably not all that special.  A women and man have sex and nine months later a baby gets yanked out of the woman. That is all it is..nothing more, nothing less.

Many of these lives would save the productive people a lot less money if they never existed.  Most unplanned pregnancies and the results end up costing this country billions that we should not be spending, whether we had it or not.  Bottom line, we either eliminate food stamps, medicaid and welfare or we pay for abortions.  What a bargain an abortion would be!

As noted in an earlier blog, the child will use up about 38,000 in food stamps and other 10-15 grand in medicaid and perhaps a few thousand in welfare bucks.  Lets call it $50,000 in cost to the taxpayer for these "mistakes in judgement". This does not even count the cost to put them through the public education system, possible future incarceration, and of course, their own unplanned kids.  An abortion costs on average about $500. 

We all know that if the social safety nets never existed, people would have less kids.  Our system encourages irresponsible people to act irresponsibly.  If the government is going to continue to advocate that these people leech off of the rest of us, the least they can do is provide a much less costly alternative.  I want the government out of all of our lives and supplying us with the bare minimum.  However, if they insist to meddle, I would much rather pay for abortions then incarceration and section 8 housing.  Thanks for your time. SQD.

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