Monday, July 18, 2011


How can any municipality can justify outsourcing their law enforcement to some company in Phoenix is beyond me?  Communities all over are stealing money from their citizens by awarding the owners of cars that a camera shows may or may not have gone through a red light with very expensive tickets.  The owner of the car is presumed guilty even if they were not driving,  It is up to the owner of the car to prove their innocence.  This could not be more unconstitutional.

It is not enough that money is stolen from citizens in form of property taxes, they now are stealing from you via these red light cameras.  I encourage all victims of this unfair treatment to fight these tickets to the best of your ability. Alert the media and your local small government groups such as the Libertarian party.  They are experienced in tactics on how to best fight these bastards.

There are statistics for everything you can imagine.  You can make numbers do more than a whore in Tijuana.  All sides of this argument have numbers that support their case.  Where you have standing is that you have the constitution on your side.  You cannot be responsible for proving your innocence, it is up to the government to prove your guilt.

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